
No 2 Ban Bi Shan Road , Chengde P.R.C. 067000, China

Hotel Description

Yunshan hotel is located in Chengde a excellent travel city of China In 2003 Yunshan hotel honors 4 star becoming the first 4 star hotel in Chengde The elegant and graceful hotel with an area of 20 000 square metres is combination of the Chinese national feature in contruction and modern architectural style The hotel sticks to the purpose of Guests above all and welcome all the guests around world to the Yunshan Hotel LL 09 04 Surrounding AreaLocated in the centre of city near to the beautiful Wulie Lake the hotel is very access to the railway staion The hotel is also adjacent to the Chinese biggest royal Garden Mountain Resort Room TypesThe Guest room is comfortable peaceful place combiing superior quality furniture facilities and luxury decreation Property Informationthe hotel is main in white color with 12 floors high Dining FacilitiesThe restaurant serves Cantonese Sichuan Huaiyang Shandong cuisine and the local dishes The hotel also have a coffee shop on the first floor ShortWalking in the lobby of the hotel You will feel very luxury and graceful The lobby bar is ideal place to meet friends In the lobby you can enjoy fish pond bamboos rockery and running water

Property Amenity

  Air conditioning
  Hair dryer

Location & Map

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